Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog 16 Catw3

                Multi-tasking can make us less efficient. As it is say in the article multi-tasking isnt harmsless, but it is  sure not a right thing to do. Tjhe university of stanford did an experiment with a group of students who were to work for 30minutes multi-tasking.  The multi-tasking was about chatting, compailing music players and writing a short-essay and another group is doing the same but taking each assignment one at a time. Each assignment will be done for 10minutes.
                It showns  that the brain works better when the tasks are done separately then all at once. They came up with that conclusion when they experiment by tasking a group of students to work by multi-tasking and another working alone. As a result they mentioned that the multi-tasker did bad then self takers.
           A professor of communication at a standford university quoted that "they still don't know the long terms effect of chronic multi-tasking but their is no question it's bad for us". For example multi-taskers while driving or doing homework. It won't let us do a good job.However many experts think is possible to repair"power of concentration"by exercising and regain focus thru Yoga and acupuntured.
                  A personal experience once happen to me when i was doing the cleaning in my house. I clean and chatted. In the end i notice i don't doa  good job and my cooking comes out not so good looking, plus i end up all exhausted.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Blog 14 Learning from another ENG 99

which of the three is the best? Why? What about it do you like?

             For me the best post will be Post #2 because it has  a good structure and in the summary is used good evidence and good reasons. i like the way he explain the whole situation including any personal experience and experiences from the television itselfs.

Did you learn something from reading it? Can you suggest any changes? Rank all three posts.
     What i learn from this essay that she actually did mentioned the american dream. and how she gave a self experience from a friend.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 12 Consequentialism

     A 3 year old girl named Amanda dissapear with out leaving any traits behind. Helene the mother was a drug addict a single mother and who from my point of view she barely cared for her daughter. Amanda's uncle notice and wasn't happy about it. He arrange a whole dramatic plan with the Captain. They stole money and did a whole gang drug deal plan, they stole Amanda and then he try not to be a suspect so he hired private investigators. Who discover all the lies. The uncles only purpose was to give Amanda  a better life and let her have  a better life.
Remy the Captain and Angina are consequentialism   didn't thought of the consequences of how later on Amanda will feel when she eventually finds out where she exactly came from.  in the other hand Patrick wasn't really sure if he can do that.  he thought more about the ethical  morals, where a mother lost a child is a pain that she will never get over. he also felt guilt for knowing the truth but he wanted to return little Amanda back to his mother so he wont have to feel guilt for not letting a child grow and mature with its mother.apparently he was the only one who felt this way and he decided to return Amanda back . This lend to a divorce with his girlfriend/ wife and to later know how Helene was still drinking an leaving Amanda to go out for  a date.
  As a conclusion the movie took Patrick ethical moral and decided to reunited Amanda and her mother. It would've been better if Amanda could've stay with the Captain now she sits alone with some baby sitter while the mother goes out on a date putting the welfare of a child in danger once again. Things like that happen all around the world but we must deal with the consequences.

Blog 11 " Catw practice 2"

      Esmin Green was a sick patient at a Brooklyn psychiatric emergency room. She collapse out of her waiting chair, and died of a blood clot in her legs. Two staffs members and two security guards pass and looked at the 49 year old lady who was dying and did nothing. After 40 minutes a nurse came but it was to late. Esmin Green passed away. Staff at the hospital did nothing to saved her, public hospitals need help.
    Public hospitals across the nation, have problems assisting the poor and uninsured people. It have been quite long that hospitals closed down. to mentally ill patients. The government should step up and help those who are uninsured disable and the undocumented. We need to do something in order to have trust in our hospitals. We need to team up with community centers and get support, we need to gather up and demand changes in hospitals.
      The case of Esmin Green is just an example to people that we need the help of good public hospitals. That the government should do something about it. But the hospitals do not have the right stuff to attend those patients.

Blog 10 "Hero and anti-hero in the movie Hero"

 In my opinion i think Bernie La Plante is the hero. Because he say everyone in the plane before it exploded. Hes the hero because something inside him told him to saved them. Altho the word Hero means much more then what La Plante represents. La Plante is not honest, hes not noble. But he saved those people from there death, in the other hand Bubber is noble and honest and its self tormented. so who is the hero?

The real hero is La plante not john Bubber. The reason why i say La Plante is a hero is because we are all heros in someway. dosent matter if we lie or we have a bad attitude. we can all be heros. Hero dosent mean we have to be almost self perfect.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog #9 Catw Eassay

Education dosen't have to have a prize. We are all equal, unfortunally non-residents have to pay a little more then
A State resident. According to the Article " An eduation in citizenship" the illinois
House passed a bill that allowed the illegaly states to pay in state tution. The difference
Between prices are 5,000 to 13,906. Dosent matter if they payed taxes they got to Be charged the same
Amount of why charge more for tuition?

U.S illegally students to pay in state tution. As far as I know it is the law in certain states in where they have
Have in state and out state tuition. But the importance is that illegally students, pay taxes or their parents
AlsO pay taxes. Don't they get any sort of help.I would say their is no difference.Whether if a student is a resident
Or non resident. They would follow the law even though it might not be fare.

As a college students I would be very upset that we have to pay some tuitions over,and over. Without any sort of help and not getting the right information sometimes. I pay more for being a non resident. I do think that someone can have no legal right to be in this countrybut paying very expensive and pay for something valuable benefit of citizenship such as higher tuitons.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blog 8: Summary of "Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?"

  Alice and Leo experience a couple of series in which they both end up wondering about their life and in what is real or not.  Life is a dream to them. Alice and Neo cant distinguish illusion from reality, they think the world they lived in is a  simulation of reality. In the Allegory Of  A Cave ,the reality represents a dark, ugly and grim. In the Matrix the red pill means the beginning of a journey in which Murphus says the true cannot be told. Ignorance is a complete happiness. Neo decides to free everyone from the Matrix sometimes the illusion is pleasurable.
    Liberation is one of the keys both characters wants. Alice in a way in lost in wonderland Neo lost in the Matrix the reality is just a dream to them. Illusions is the main key in both of them. They take their own risk although they dont know what to do in sometimes they dont even know who they are? they are confused not know what to do.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog #7 The heroic choices in the Matrix

Some of the choices Neo has to make is knowing his truth, his past, his identity or keep living in the matrix. not knowing whether he had a family , friends. And important choice he had to take was whether or not he wants to be happy, out of any problems and stress inside the matrix.

he is the hero of the story because he has chosed to fight instead of running away from the problem. he thinks and acts like a hero, he helps and have courage and bravery.

Blog # 6 Response to I know The Truth, Dont Bother Me With Facts.

                   People can be well manage with rummors instead of facts. While reading the article people tempt to know the truth and yet they belive in rumors or in what other believe. For example talking about building a mosque in the world trade center memorial site in what people belive it was actually in the site, but it was going to be build at a different distance.                   

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog #4 " The Allegory Of A Cave"

        An illusion is what we sometimes live in, but not all the times. Some people believe in what they want to believe." The allegory of a cave" is story that talks about how people see the world in different ways. A prisioner was inside a cave since he was a child , living in darkness  for many years, not knowing anything from the outside world, not knowing how the sun looks and how animals and people look like.Not seein how things are done in the real world, where the only thing he knows is how shadows are ,and   how echos sound like.Coming out from the cave and looking at things from outside, he can't accept the fact that things are not like he expected.
     Living in a illusion can sometimes take you out from your own shoes.  They dont wanna see the true because their used living in a illusion. According to the article the prisioner felt crazy coming out from the cave and seein things differently.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog 3 "I Know The Truth, So Dont Bother Me With Facts"

        People dont like being told their wrong , when they know the facts. We all know some of the causes of global warming , yet some of us dont think is the fault of the humans. Some people thinks diases are being done in government labs.
      A university conducted a study that show how sticky false beliefs are the main reason to a disabuse between people.For example a dispute broke down over a 13 story islamic cultural center.The people belief in facts, whether those facts aren't the  best.
   It is said that the exposure to nuanced facts can cause to change opinion.
       Researchers found that facts manipulate peoples beliefs system.People take time to learn the facts, so as i conclude people dont like being told there wrong, when they know there facts are straight.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blog 2 "HYPE"

        Advertisement are increasing so steadily and relentlessly, it has been place that in corporate america view.
it is estimated that there are approximally 12 billion display Ads, and 3 million radio  commercials also 200,000 TV commercials.  It is absord that Ads are no longer placed in buses, billboards,stadiums there are now place where is in everyones view,for example in the micromarketing . As i grocery shop their Ads that everyone can see. Or as I order the money order i need, there are Ads about taxes or sales. I think advertisement has a way to let the people know about their product, but some arent for good. Advertisement can lead us to a different way of seein things differently.
                  if advertisement keeps increasin rapidly it may severe affects us in our daily life. we won't be able to take our own decisions.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 1:"How to do one thing at a time".

        Multi-tasking makes the people do things fast but not quite good.According to a science Neuro-image journal people multi-task and they dont finish it well or at all. Two groups have been experiment.

    One idea int he passage that is significant is where single -takers did significantly better then the group that is multi-tasking.According to the journal multi-tasking dosent make us efficient.While working (single)or (solo) can make us focus more, finish the taskon time and well done. Also theres evidence that working alone the brain does better, when doing task.
     I multi-task very frequently to be able to finish faster but it dosent work very well.My tasks are done halfway (incomplete)or there done but not at a 100%.
    working alone I do better Finishing my task completely, giving them the time to do it well.My tasks are done and i focus more. people often attempt to multi-task because they are stress-out about timing, cant complete a task due to having alot of things to do.
   personaly Ido have to try not to multi-task often.Many believers that are experts have quoted that to repair the power to concentrate, thru some stress-free execersice like yoga and acupunture, which is a relaxationmode.