Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 1:"How to do one thing at a time".

        Multi-tasking makes the people do things fast but not quite good.According to a science Neuro-image journal people multi-task and they dont finish it well or at all. Two groups have been experiment.

    One idea int he passage that is significant is where single -takers did significantly better then the group that is multi-tasking.According to the journal multi-tasking dosent make us efficient.While working (single)or (solo) can make us focus more, finish the taskon time and well done. Also theres evidence that working alone the brain does better, when doing task.
     I multi-task very frequently to be able to finish faster but it dosent work very well.My tasks are done halfway (incomplete)or there done but not at a 100%.
    working alone I do better Finishing my task completely, giving them the time to do it well.My tasks are done and i focus more. people often attempt to multi-task because they are stress-out about timing, cant complete a task due to having alot of things to do.
   personaly Ido have to try not to multi-task often.Many believers that are experts have quoted that to repair the power to concentrate, thru some stress-free execersice like yoga and acupunture, which is a relaxationmode.

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