Multi-tasking can make us less efficient. As it is say in the article multi-tasking isnt harmsless, but it is sure not a right thing to do. Tjhe university of stanford did an experiment with a group of students who were to work for 30minutes multi-tasking. The multi-tasking was about chatting, compailing music players and writing a short-essay and another group is doing the same but taking each assignment one at a time. Each assignment will be done for 10minutes.
It showns that the brain works better when the tasks are done separately then all at once. They came up with that conclusion when they experiment by tasking a group of students to work by multi-tasking and another working alone. As a result they mentioned that the multi-tasker did bad then self takers.
A professor of communication at a standford university quoted that "they still don't know the long terms effect of chronic multi-tasking but their is no question it's bad for us". For example multi-taskers while driving or doing homework. It won't let us do a good job.However many experts think is possible to repair"power of concentration"by exercising and regain focus thru Yoga and acupuntured.
A personal experience once happen to me when i was doing the cleaning in my house. I clean and chatted. In the end i notice i don't doa good job and my cooking comes out not so good looking, plus i end up all exhausted.
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